Monday, October 10, 2011

Ellie Belly

I am finally ready to get back to the blog!  I have been a crazy person this last month and apparently I officially have too many children to keep up with all of my hobbies!  No, seriously, I have too many kids to even remember their names and continue to call Ben "Charben" which he responded to yesterday by asking "mom, why do you call me that?"  I just laughed and shrugged at him and then he said, "OK, Scottash!" 

What's new.....well...would anyone believe that in the last 6 weeks Ellie has become the crawl master!  She is good I tell you!  It all started at the beach with a military crawl in combo with a log roll to get her were she was wanting to go. Since then she has focused and really gotten to business with this "hands and knees crawling".  She is now a wonder woman, following me and the boys all over the house.   Oh, did I mention she is talking too!?!....No, I didn't because I haven't blogged in soooooo long!  She started at the beach with "momma" and  "dadda".  Now, she is stopping mid-crawl to throw her hand up in the air and say "HIIIIIII"!   She claps and waves frenetically saying "HI"!  I will attempt to get a video of this but in the meantime, here is a video of her just giggling and being cute!!!!

Here are some pics of the boys feeding Ellie.  Ben will do it if I beg but Charlie considers Ellie his personal responsibility and LOVES feeding her.  He feeds her food as well, which we are working on regulating.  I am a fan of him helping out but not a fan of her eating pizza yet!!

So, the bicycle helmet....I do not really have a good explanation for this, we were not riding bikes or anything like that, he just likes to dress up.....What can I say!!!!  In fact they have several new super-hero costumes and have been sporting them around.  I had to get some variety, that spider-man costume was starting to smell!

Today was absolutely beautiful!  We went to the park and Ellie is finally big enough to swing!

Tonight we read about the USA.  The boys love this book, which is strange, but they love learning about the different states, etc!  Tonight we learned about Texas and New York in honor of our favorite little girl in the WHOLE world...Carter and our new favorite "uncle"  Anthony, who just left this morning from spending the week with us! 

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