4/13/11 Charlie has always loved to snuggle! Ben on the other hand likes to snuggle with me and a few select others but in general is very judicious about it! Honestly, charlie would snuggle with a flea and probably has! Scott and I were nervous about baby Ellodie coming and wanted to make sure the boys still felt very loved and special, so we got them bunk beds to unveil just before she came. Of course our thoughts were that they would love to sleep in them soooo much that they would go right to sleep every night with no crying and that they would in fact run to their beds with excitement just like we do every night! The plan was for Ben to be on the top bunk and Chars on the bottom. Naturally they had different plans! Of course they loved the bunk beds....they loved to hide in the bottom bunk, climb up on the top bunk (not with the ladder but by scaling up the side) and leap from the top onto the floor below! At night the bunk bed just turned into any other 'ol bed, a place your parents force you to go every night for 8 hours! Ben agreed to sleep on the top but chars was NOT sleeping alone on the bottom! At first he tried to be tricky, he would get in the bottom bunk and act as if everything was going according to plan and then as soon as the door was shut he would sneak up into Ben's bunk and "snuggle" with him. 1-2 Minutes after I shut the door I would hear Ben yelling " mooooom, Chars is in my bed AGAIN". Eventually Chars would not even acknowledge the bottom bunks existence. I did not care if they slept together but Ben wasn't a fan. I can't blame him, Chars literally kept saying "nuggle ben, nuggle ben" and would then literally lay completely on top of him. This must have been very frightening for Ben to not be able to move or maybe even be able to breath very well. I tried to teach Char how to snuggle while still allowing the other person to live but he just LOVES to "nuggle". As his mother I love this about him because I could snuggle that way with him forever! After a couple of weeks Chars was back in his own room! Ben has been very happy and sleeps soundly in his top bunk! Chars has taken to "nuggling" with Ellodie now at nap time which I have put a picture of in a prior post. This is sweet but obviously very dangerous and I can never, ever leave the room while they are napping together. He has rolled over on top of her several times in an attempt to get closer! Chars just tries to make do at night with his dozens of stuffed animals. I actually went in last night to turn of his Christmas carols....Chars sleeps to veggietales Christmas carols every night and I go in and turn them off after he falls asleep....and found him asleep with a dragon towel wrapped over his head and around his body, stuffed animals all around, and a book on his face. I took this video cause I thought it was sooo cute!
OMG - I love this. When I first started watching the patter of the blog wall made me feel like I was going to have a seizure, but I finally adjusted. I for one am thrilled that you put in writing about the naps with Ellodie. It will make the case I am building to deliver to child services that much easier. Very adorable! Thank you for posting -- I hate living far away.