Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter weekend

We had a GREAT day today! It was a really, really relaxing and fun Easter! We ate breakfast together and then went to church. Ellodie looked lovely and as usual the most put together of the entire family, of course, she is a lady after all! It was kind of one of those days when Scott and I let them do whatever, so they ate some candy after breakfast and a donut after church. Then to really reinforce our "parents of the year title", we let the boys choose lunch, which was none other than.....McDonald's! We came home and had a great Easter egg hunt through the house. My Mom and Steve came over and here are some of the pics we took.

Charlie wanted to put his sweater over his head and let the arms hang down so that he could pretend to be an easter bunny.

"Can I PLEEEEEASE have more candy mom?!?" "OK Ben"

Finally, this is how we finished our day. Scott read to the boys in bed while I snuggled with Ellodie and watched a great 20/20 about a hunting accident....or was it really an accident!

Oh, one more hilarious thing....we let chars skip his nap yesterday and he kept falling asleep at the dinner table. Here is the video.

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