I have a few cute stories from the boys to share so here we go....
This will be funny for those people who know of Ben's strange obsession with Micheal Jackson. It started a loooong time ago when MJ first died and they were doing a tribute on the radio. The song "Thriller" came on while Scott and Ben were in the car and that was it, Ben was in love! Ben has always loved wolves and coyotes but at this time in his life they were his favorite thing to talk about. When he heard the werewolves on the song he couldn't stand it, he was soooo excited. He wanted to listen to it over and over again. He then started asking questions about MJ and learning all of his other songs. Now, what happened next I still cannot explain. Why in god's name my husband thought this was a good idea I have no clue, but while I was gone one afternoon he sat down with Ben and watched the entire Thriller video on youtube. Now just to clarify, Ben had JUST turned TWO years old a few weeks before this. Well anyways it scared him really badly but he still asked to watch it over and over every day ( which I did not do). OK, so time goes by and my BFF Anthony was here just this November visiting. We were all sitting at the table having breakfast and we were discussing animals. Ben was talking about habitats, etc. and he started listing off nocturnal animals. Anthony then asked him, well Ben what else is nocturnal and Ben responded "Well Micheal Jackson is nocturnal, owls are nocturnal, blah blah blah". We both nearly cried we were laughing so hard. Maybe it is MJ's huge eyes and white skin or maybe it is that stupid video he watched. Yesterday we were sitting in the car and PYT, one of Ben's favorite Micheal Jackson songs came on. He turned to Charlie who was sitting in the car seat next to him and very seriously said " Micheal Jackson lives alone in the desert with a bunch of coyotes, he is kind of strange". I don't know why I find this so funny but I just wonder what he thinks Micheal Jackson is in his mind.
Moving on... Charlie went to Emma's birthday party this weekend. The theme was Hello Kitty and he got a Hello Kitty ring and a Hello Kitty juice bottle as party favors. Well let me tell you, he has not taken off that ring since and he will ONLY drink out of the kitty bottle. It is just cute that he loves Hello Kitty so much!
Today Charlie was trying to sing "he has the whole world in his hands, the whole world in his hands" etc and Ben looked at him and said "Actually chars that's not possible. He doesn't really have the whole world in his hands cause there are roads and streets and pipes under the ground sooo that would just not be possible, it's not true". Chars was like whatever man!